CALAT Croydon Adult Learning and Training
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CALAT is amongst the top performing adult education providers in London.

Following our 2016 Ofsted inspection our provision overall was rated good.

The report highlighted:

  • The overall effectiveness of the provision is good.
  • Our learners receive good-quality education and training. Learners make good progress on their courses and achieve very well.
  • Learners work well together and many make good progress. They enjoy their learning and develop good attitudes to their studies.
  • CALAT’s specific safeguarding arrangements are thorough and comprehensive and are well integrated with those of the local authority, usefully providing another level of monitoring and review.
  • The effective use of information and learning technology (ILT) in lessons, an area for improvement at the previous inspection, has improved significantly.
  • Tutors establish supportive learning environments and manage learning well.
  • The leadership and management of CALAT continue to be good, and ensure that learners’ needs and priorities continue to be at the centre of your work, irrespective of the significant management changes and financial challenges over the last few years.

Follow this link to read the full OFSTED report. (PDF)