CALAT Croydon Adult Learning and Training
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GCSE Maths

About the course

This is a GCSE level course.

Start date Day Time Delivery Location
11/09/23 Monday / Wednesday 12.30 - 14.30 Online Online
12/09/22 Tuesday / Thursday 19.00 - 21.00 Classroom Central Croydon
16/09/22 Saturday 9.30 - 13.30 Classroom Central Croydon
16/09/22 Saturday 9.30 - 13.30 Blended* Online / Croydon

*Blended learning: Online with one classroom lesson per month

Our courses are broken up into 2 parts. The first part of this course will run for 12 weeks during the autumn term (September to December). During this time, we expect excellent attendance, good punctuality, and regular submission of homework.

You will have an in-class assessment in week 12 and this will help us to determine whether you have understood the topics covered and if you are ready to progress to part 2. The result will also help us to select learners for the foundation or higher examination.

Your suitability for this course will be discussed with you at one of our July, August, or September assessment and information sessions.

Your suitability for this course will be discussed with you at one of our July, August, or September information sessions and we will provide you with advice and guidance based on your needs and career goals during assessment and once you start your course.

Course content

The course will cover a range of topics under six main themes:

  • number
  • algebra
  • ratio, proportion and rates of change
  • geometry and measures
  • probability
  • statistics

You will also learn to develop skills needed for the workplace, Further Education and Higher Education.

The course provides thorough preparation for the exam with built-in individual support and guidance.

Costs and funding

The GCSE course is completely free to learners, apart from:

  • under 19s
  • overseas students

There is no exam fee.

You may be able to get funding to cover some of the cost of equipment. You will need to apply for this once you have been offered a place on the course.

To find out more, see:

How to apply

You will need to complete an online initial assessment to check your current skills. The assessment may last up to 3 hours.

Bookings for the information and assessment sessions will be available from July 2024.

Photographic identification (ID) will be required.

We are unable to accept additional GCSE English learners after the courses have started in September. If you miss these assessment sessions, you will have to wait until 2025 to enrol.

We look forward to welcoming you at CALAT and helping you achieve your goals.